Sunday, 24 May 2009

Dottie's World Challenge Buttons or Beads

Hi Everyone!
I bet you have all been enjoying the fun and games over at Dottie's World celebrating the 1st year birthday. All that candy to be won, it's fab, i'll certainly be keeping my fingers crossed.
Anyway on with the regular Sunday challenge...
This week the challenge from Adele is to incorporate any buttons or beads from your stash into your artwork to compliment one of the wonderful Charmed Downloads.

Here is mine...
The original idea was to cross stitch Holly and use my beads to decorate her dress and add to the shading,however it turned out I that the beads I had looked too big for that.
So, I made a shaker card instead.

I hope you enjoy having a go yourselves...
Take care
Kim x


  1. Wow Kim what an amazing card, the cross stiching is beautiful! xx

  2. Wowsa! First time I've seen one of our downloads in thread! Just magnificent! xx

  3. What a great idea- lots of work has gone into your card and it looks fabby Kim!

    Love Dingle.xx

  4. Gosh, how clever are you Kim? What an amazing card!
    Love Juliet xx
